Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder is a condition that leads to pain and stiffness of the shoulder
What is frozen shoulder?
Who tends to get frozen shoulder?
It usually only affects one shoulder, although some people are unfortunate enough to later experience it in their other shoulder.
What causes frozen shoulder?
An arm or shoulder injury or surgery may also make it more likely.
While the trigger for frozen shoulder isn’t well understood, the cause of the pain and stiffness is. Your shoulder joint is in a capsule of fibre, which is usually incredibly flexible. This capsule becomes inflamed and tightens, making movement difficult and painful. It’s also known as adhesive capsulitis.
Will I recover from frozen shoulder?
There are typically three different phases in frozen shoulder – it freezes up, it remains stiff or frozen for months, and finally the freezing eases and movement is restored.
Each of these stages can take several months and it can be three years from the symptoms first appearing to be able to move your shoulder freely, without pain.
Should I seek medical treatment for a frozen shoulder?
While you’re suffering from a frozen shoulder you could be quite seriously incapacitated. Advice from your doctor or osteopath could bring improvement to your quality of life while affected by the condition.
How osteopathy may help with your frozen shoulder.
We start by giving a diagnosis. This involves a physical examination of your shoulder, neck and arm, along with gaining an understanding of your medical history and your lifestyle. While this is unlikely to help us determine what caused your frozen shoulder, it allows us to recommend a treatment plan that’s tailored to your needs.
There are a variety of treatment options for frozen shoulder. Our approach involves non-invasive techniques, using physical therapy and recommended exercises.
The physical therapy can include gentle manipulation and articulation of your shoulder area. Working on the bones, muscles and soft tissue can help to reduce some of the inflammation and pain you are experiencing.
We believe in treating the entire person, in order to help you get back to health as quickly as is practical, and with the aim of helping you to stay healthy. This includes giving you some exercises and advice about posture and how you move your body.
If you believe that you may be suffering from frozen shoulder we recommend that you get a medical diagnosis. This will help you to get the information and advice that can significantly reduce the discomfort you’re suffering, and can set you on the path to a swifter recovery.
Looking after your Physical and Mental wellbeing
Our range of therapies complements each other to ensure we create ultimate wellbeing.
Nutritional advice will help those with stomach and visceral problems. Osteopathy and exercise rehabilitation works with alignment, injuries and posture. Reiki, Tai Chi and Counselling ensure that our minds are dealing with everyday stress efficiently.
How we can help you
If you would like a spinal assessment or have an injury please get in touch with us or