With spring looming, the easter break coming and better weather arriving (hopefully), use this time beforehand to loosen the shackles, dust off the cobwebs and be body smart.
Here at Woodside Clinic in Hitchin, March is a time where we see many injuries and re-occurrences of old injuries due to that sudden urge to get out in the garden, to play that first round of golf or maybe it is the start of your summer holiday preparation and you’re in the gym. After months of hibernating from the cold, the rain and the long dark nights, our bodies aren’t in the best shape. This could mean that we are more susceptible to that little niggle worsening, or that old back pain returning.
Be body smart, and be mindful about what you have done in the last 5-6 months and what you may be doing in the next 5-6 months. Those activities may be in stark contrast to one another, so be prepared to take things a little slower. Improve the mobility of your joints, improve the flexibility in your muscles and reduce the winter posture aches and pains with a quick MOT for yourself. We always say prevention is better than cure, and your body is an investment for the future. We only get one body, so look after it. After all, one osteopathic treatment for prevention could be the difference between needing one or several appointments if you injure yourself substantially, thus saving you money.
So when the Spring time comes;
- Be mindful about yourself, your posture and tomorrow.
- Change your activity often (weed for 15 minutes, mow the lawn for 15 mins, dig for 15 mins) and then rest for 15 minutes. Gather your thoughts, gather your aches and pains and re-assess.
- A simple warm up to raise your body temperature (walking is fine).
- Drink plenty of water.
- Ice any known areas of concern and any stretches you may know or have been taught in the past for your condition afterwards (like knee hugs, or the pelvic bridge exercises).
But mainly – don’t over do it!!!
Too many years go by with March being a problem for that sudden back spasm, or those sudden muscle strains. Don’t let it be your turn this year.
So look after yourselves, and we at Woodside Osteopathic Clinic would like to wish you a fruitful and painless spring.
By Mark Thiselton (Osteopath)